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Freedom Ticket vs Amazing Selling Machine

Freedom Ticket vs Amazing Selling Machine: The Complete Review

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Making money online is an understandably appealing pursuit. There are countless success stories in the online world that describe people who have made thousands by seemingly doing very little. Of course, there is more to it than that. Selling on Amazon is the avenue most people go down when trying to secure a passive, full-time income, but how realistic is it?

There is no denying that Amazon is one of, if not the, biggest online marketplace right now. The Amazon arena is a popular one, which means it can be the perfect place to make some serious money. However, very few people know what they are doing. This is where the importance of an Amazon course comes in.

In this review, we will be taking you through two of the most popular Amazon courses available: Freedom Ticket vs Amazing Selling Machine. Both have their distinct pros and cons, so it is important you know exactly what you are getting into before committing to either one. Interested? Good! But first, let’s start with the basics.

Why do you Need to Use an Amazon Course?

Many people sign up for an Amazon course with unrealistic expectations. They think that after consuming the course content, they will automatically become an amazing selling mogul. Unfortunately, this is not the case. An Amazon course can teach you a lot about selling, but it can’t guarantee you an audience of loyal customers!

So what is the point? Well, just because a course won’t necessarily grant you an immediate customer base, it can still provide you with some high-quality training. This can relate to choosing the right product, how to market that product, and even the best time of year to start selling!

In other words, the right course can put you on track to meet your Amazon ambitions. But how do you know which is the right course for you? Well, you need to know what is on offer and how much it will cost you. The course content should match your ambitions, otherwise, you could be spending more than you need to. With that in mind, let’s jump into the review.

What is Freedom Ticket?

Freedom Ticket was founded and is taught by Kevin King. This already puts it in a strong position, as Kevin King has been selling through Amazon for over twenty years. That’s right, he started selling through Amazon right at the very beginning, since 1999! This level of experience shines through in the course content, but what does this specifically look like?

Freedom Ticket vs Amazing Selling Machine

Features of the Freedom Ticket Course

The content of the Freedom Ticket course can sometimes feel a bit overwhelming, but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Kevin King has been doing this for over two decades, so what do you expect? He has a lot to share! Thankfully, Freedom Ticket breaks its modules up into segments over the course of eight weeks. This makes it much more manageable, even for beginners. Let’s take a look at how Freedom Ticket breaks this down.

Week 1 – Freedom Ticket Introduction

This will cover all of the basics, including the associated opportunities of selling through Amazon and how the Freedom Ticket course content can help. It also covers the initial details of how much you can earn from various products.

Week 2 – Amazon & Business Basics

This Freedom Ticket module takes you through everything you need to know about running a business. This includes key terms, how much money you need to start with, what to expect, and how to sell through Amazon.

Week 3 – Branding, Money, & Millions

Here Freedom Ticket will teach you all about how to brand your products and build loyalty among customers. You will also learn about how best to use sponsored advertisements.

Week 4 – Picking a Successful Product

As the title suggests, this entire module relates to how to choose the most profitable products at any given time. Freedom Ticket also provide advice on how to beat your competition within the same sales niche.

Week 5 – Suppliers, Orders, & Shipping

One of the larger Freedom Ticket modules, this section covers everything relating to how you get your products to your customers. There is advice on how not to get scammed, how to save money, and how to ensure you adhere to legal requirements.

Week 6 – How to Compete & Win Big

Competition is huge on Amazon, and Freedom Ticket understands that. That’s why for an entire week you will be learning how to beat your competition, or at the very least, work alongside them so you both can profit.

Week 7 – How to Create High Converting Listings

This module is a little more technical than the others and relates to SEO practices. Freedom Writer will walk you through how best to use keywords, create eye-catching titles, and utilize product descriptions in the best possible way.

Week 8 – Ranking, Advertising, & Promotions

The final Freedom Ticket module available will cover how to maintain your brand success on Amazon in the long term. This includes the use of continuous ads, utilizing brand analytics, and creating specific product marketing campaigns.

As you can tell, the Freedom Ticket wastes no time in giving its students a real deep-dive into the world of Amazon. It is a course that provides an enormous variety of actionable information, all derived from the experience of Kevin King himself. It is tried and tested information, so you do feel like you can trust them.

Freedom Ticket Vs Amazing Selling Machine Features

How Much Does Freedom Ticket Cost?

There are two ways you can access Freedom Ticket membership, each with varying costs.

Freedom Ticket Standalone Access

  • One time payment of $997
  • Three monthly payments of $397

Helium 10 Membership

  • Free with Helium 10 membership, priced at $97 per month

The option to essentially gain access to Freedom Ticket for no extra cost with your Helium 10 membership is a huge bonus. If you aren’t aware, Helium 10 is an Amazon selling tool, so this is essentially a two-in-one package.


  • Backed by Kevin King, who has over two decades of experience selling on Amazon
  • An intensive eight-week course that provides actionable information and tips
  • Essentially free with your Helium 10 membership


  • May feel too costly for some, especially when first starting out

Final Verdict

All in all, Freedom Ticket is a win for us. It provides a profound amount of information, quite literally covering all bases, and can prove helpful for both amateur and veteran Amazon sellers alike.

Freedom Ticket is ideal for those who are committed to making Amazon their full-time job, carving a niche for themselves in a competitive market.

Read the complete Freedom ticket review to find out more about the course.

What is Amazing Selling Machine?

Now let’s move onto our next competitor, Amazing Selling Machine. The first thing you should know about the ASM course is that it is a little more diversified. It isn’t exclusively loyal to Amazon. That isn’t to say it isn’t packed full of top tips for selling on Amazon, it absolutely is! But where the Amazing Selling Machine course differs is that it provides advice for selling online as a whole, rather than for any one platform. Let’s take a deeper look,

freedom ticket vs amazing selling machine

Features of the Amazing Selling Machine Course

Similarly to Freedom Ticket, Amazing Selling Machine offers an eight-week course that is broken down into specific modules. However, there is additional core content to explore as well. These can be broken down into four sections.

The Eight-Week Course

This is where you will learn the most from Amazing Selling Machine. There are a total of one hundred videos on this course, each shot with studio-quality and jam-packed with helpful information. This isn’t just aimed at beginners, either. Anyone interested in e-Commerce can learn something from this course, whether you are an amateur or veteran.

The modules can be broken down into the following headings:

  • Product research and selection
  • Creating an identifiable brand
  • Designing product descriptions with high-conversion potential
  • Assessing suppliers to avoid scams
  • Product marketing
  • Working up to seven-figures

There is plenty of anecdotal evidence out there from previous students who have used Amazing Selling Machine and found success. If anecdotes aren’t your thing, how about some specialized advice…

The Amazing Selling Machine Mentorship Program

Easily a standout feature of the Amazing Selling Machine is its commitment to student success. One of the ways it does this is through its unique mentorship program. Featuring advice from successful Amazon sellers (who have earned seven figures or more!), the mentors will assist you in building your store, selecting products, advertising your brand, and how to get the most out of your online presence.

Their guarantee is that all of the information they provide you is completely up to date and relevant to today’s market. You aren’t receiving information that may have worked in 2014 but has no relevance now. You only receive advice based on current trends, from the people who have done it themselves.

The Private Resource Vault

Sounds exclusive, right? The Private Resource Vault is a unique addition to Amazing Selling Machine that gives students access to materials the founders themselves have used. This includes store templates, transportation/supplier services, and discounts for services you will likely have to use.

How do you know anything in the vault is worth using? Well, the founders are Jason Katzenback and Matt Clark. Between them, they have built multiple businesses each earning seven or eight-figure amounts yearly. They know what they are doing, and they want to share it with you, too!

A Vibrant, Private Community

Last, but absolutely not least, ASM provides you with a community of people who have ambitions exactly like yours. Rather than pitting you against each other, ASM encourages a supportive community where information is shared freely.

The vast majority of challenges you will face selling on Amazon have already been faced before. All you need to do is ask for help from someone who has already made the same mistakes.

It is an avenue for encouragement and motivation. When you see others succeed, you will want that for yourself too, and you will be provided with the tools to do it. The Amazon Marketplace might be intimidating, but that’s all the more reason not to face it alone.

How Much Does Amazing Selling Machine Cost?

Unlike with Freedom Ticket, there is no free option with an existing Helium 10 membership. For ASM, your payment options are:

  • One payment of $4,997
  • Six payments of $997

This is a fairly steep price point, no matter your budget. However, ASM is designed to be a long-term aid for selling on Amazon. If you are serious about succeeding in eCommerce, you could make a significant return on investment with this course.


  • In-depth eight-week course created by sellers who have found real success
  • Real-time mentorship scheme that provides continuous, up to date advice
  • Average median revenue of previous students is $60,000 per year


  • Very expensive upfront cost, which may not be appropriate for beginners

Final Verdict

The Amazing Selling Machine program is designed to bring your annual revenue up to six figures, and potentially beyond. It features up-to-date, actionable advice provided by those who have been there and done that.

You also gain access to a wide variety of resources unavailable anywhere else. The upfront costs are significant, there’s no denying that, but if it is within your budget then the return on investment could be worth it.

How is Amazing Selling Machine Different from Freedom Ticket?

The most obvious answer to this question is the price difference. Freedom Ticket is far more affordable. In fact, Freedom Ticket costs almost four times less than ASM.

That is a significant drop, especially if you are new to Amazon selling and working to a tight budget! Does that immediately make ASM the worse option? No, of course not. It all comes down to how much you can or are willing to spend.

Another key difference between the two courses is their emphasis on offline content. With ASM, you gain access to exclusive conferences such as SellerCon, which happens yearly and provides sellers with direct access to new information and tips. It also gives you the opportunity to network with other Amazon sellers.

Freedom Ticket, on the other hand, doesn’t offer much in the way of offline activity. It is for you alone to decide whether or not this is a dealbreaker. Many Amazon sellers are quite content to work solely online, with minimal human interaction. If that sounds like you, SellerCon probably isn’t that appealing.

Which Amazon FBA Course is the Best?

As helpful as it would probably be to give you a resolute answer, this is entirely subjective. The question you need to ask yourself is ‘which is best for me‘, rather than seeking an absolute answer.

Both Freedom Ticket and ASM provide swathes of helpful information that can lead to great success on Amazon. The deciding factor may be your budget. Our advice? Follow your gut instinct, and be realistic. Don’t spend thousands on a service you aren’t certain is for you, but don’t let fear hold you back either. Hopefully, the information provided in this review has pointed you in the right direction!

Tim Carlson

I'm Tim or as others call me a bit of an Internet geek, serial entrepreneur, and have gone deep down the rabbit hole of all things Amazon FBA. I have joined the Infinite FBA team to help other Amazon sellers achieve their own goals.

Picture of Tim Carlson
Tim Carlson

I'm Tim or as others call me a bit of an Internet geek, serial entrepreneur, and have gone deep down the rabbit hole of all things Amazon FBA. I have joined the Infinite FBA team to help other Amazon sellers achieve their own goals.

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